Welcome 2 Kareoke

The Karaoke API is a web-based service that provides functionalities for matching Spotify tracks with YouTube videos. It also offers features for adding new songs, retrieving song information, searching for songs, and more. The API is designed to be accessible from various web applications and platforms, and it does not require authentication or authorization, allowing public access.

Key Features

1. Song Matching

The API allows users to match Spotify tracks with YouTube videos based on their respective IDs. This feature is particularly useful for creating a karaoke library where users can sing along to their favorite songs.

2. Random Song Retrieval

Users can retrieve a random song from the API's database. This feature is great for generating random karaoke challenges or playlists.

3. Song Searching

Users can search for songs using a query string, and the API returns matching songs. This search functionality enables users to find specific songs within the karaoke library.

How to Use the API

To interact with the Karaoke API, developers can make HTTP requests to the provided endpoints using the HTTP methods (GET and POST) as specified in the API documentation. These requests can be made from various programming languages and platforms, making it versatile and accessible.


The API currently does not implement any form of authentication or authorization, and it supports Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) from any origin (*). This means that anyone can access the API's endpoints without requiring authentication credentials.

Use Cases

The Karaoke API can be used in a variety of applications and scenarios, including:

  • Karaoke platforms and applications.

  • Music-related games and challenges.

  • Random song generators for playlists or events.

Last updated